Monday, June 15, 2015

Ultimate Reset Week 1 Review

It's been a few weeks since my last blog post - things have been a bit busy! This post will be focused on a recap of my first week on the Ultimate Reset!

For those of you who don't know what the Reset is, here are a few short statements from the Team Beachbody site:

"In just three weeks, you'll steer your body from mere survival back to a state of "thrival." In just 21 days, you'll take back your power. Bolster your health. Release what no longer serves you—and never did. Learn. Cleanse. And if you're not already, you'll become 100 percent in awe of the remarkable creation that you are."
However, it is NOT designed to leave you in the bathroom 24/7! In fact, in the first week, I've kept my normal bathroom schedule (sorry if TMI!). 
So why did I choose to do the Reset? Well, I gained a few pounds on my last headache medication. I have been really struggling to get those off. I also felt like I was eating the same foods day in and day out without really branching out and trying new. Finally, I wanted to make sure I was in the best shape and health when we start training for the Chicago Marathon on June 23!
As a summary, the first week has been amazing. I struggled a bit with being achy all over and feeling like I had the flu during a few evenings in the middle of the week, but outside of that I've felt great. The food is very very good AND as an added bonus, I've lost 3.8 pounds and my pants are looser.
Now for the recap - during week 1 there are 4 different supplements you take. Mineralize is taken 4 times a day mixed with water, Optimize is taken 3 times a day in capsule form, Alkalinize is taken once a day mixed with water, and Soothe is taken once a day in capsule form. The capsules and Mineralize are easy to get donw. The Alkalinize is a bit rough. It's a whole bunch of grass powders that you mix in with water. If you've ever had a wheatgrass shot, it's about 3 times the quantity and no where near as sweet. Still not absolutely terrible though.
The food has been nothing short of awesome. Here was my meal plan for the week.

Here were my favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinners for the week.
Breakfast - Oatmeal with Apples & Flax Seed and Organic Greek Yogurt sweetened with pure maple syrup
Lunch - Quinoa Salad with cucumbers and tomatoes
Dinner - Nori Rolls with Tempeh, carrots, cucumbers, avacado, and quinoa (my rolls fell apart, but the insides were delicious)
My least favorite meal was the miso soup. The soup itself was good, but I think I may have added too much seaweed, which took over the taste of the dish. I'm making a hearty vegetable miso soup in week 2, so I'm going to go easy on the seaweed and see how it turns out.
I'm really excited for week 2. I've been very pleased with the amount of energy I have and the fact that I haven't been overly hungry at all. I've still been able to keep up with most of my running (although at a bit slower pace), but I have cut back significantly on the cross training. Bring on more yummy meals!
If you have any questions on the Ultimate Reset or would like anymore information about it, send me an email ( or comment below!

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