Monday, June 29, 2015

Ultimate Reset Reflections!

Have you heard of the Ultimate Reset? What is it? It is a program designed to return your body to it's optimal health. The first week is all about reclaiming your body, then releasing harmful toxins in week two, and finally, restoring your system to it's maximum health. It's not a typical cleanse...I never had to run to the bathroom or starve myself.

I finalized my plan to do the Ultimate Reset (UR) about a month before I actually started. You are not supposed to do intense workouts while doing the program, and therefore, I had to carefully plan the UR when I didn't have a race already scheduled. Before the program started, I read the entire book that comes with the package. I planned out all of my meals for week one. I wrote down an approximate schedule for when to take the supplements and when to eat my meals/snacks. And most importantly, I went shopping!

A lot of the ingredients were new to me. Miso paste, bok choy, Braggs Liquid Aminos, tahini paste, raw pumpkin seeds, etc. In addition, several of the ingredients weren't sold at my local grocery store (Publix), so I had to take trips to specialty stores. But, on Day 1, I had all of the ingredients and I was ready to go!

Each week, I did a bit of meal prep on Sundays. It really helped each day during the week go more smoothly when I didn't have as much time in the evenings or following mornings. The main things I prepped were a big batch of brown rice, quinoa, sometimes lentils, and of course some type of mason jar salad! I'm not a big fan of cutting up my veggies or fruit the weekend before because it get's soggy or brown in the fridge. So I leave those for each day or at most, the night before.

I honestly can say that it was very easy to follow the meal plan. There were only two things I tried that I did not care for (miso soup...I think because I added too much seaweed...and roasted fennel bulb). Everything else was delicious! I also ate and prepared so many new things during this. Acorn squash, tahini, bok choy, homemade dressings, etc. I also learned to enjoy cooking! Score!

Did I miss anything during the UR? Of course! But it honestly wasn't like I craved anything. I can't wait to eat peanut butter again, but it's not like I was waiting until the clock struck midnight on Day 21 to have a scoop. I woke up this morning on Day 22 and didn't touch it. I will probably have a small scoop tomorrow morning before my run just for energy/endurance. I can truly say that I really don't miss meat. Having said that, I will go back to it as a source of lean protein for running and also for more variety.

I think the hardest part of the program was being put into situations that tested my willpower and not having the option of a cheat meal here or there. For instance, this weekend watching my son and boyfriend (and friends) eat pizza and hamburgers was difficult. Going to a Mexican restaurant with chips, salsa, and margaritas with sole sisters was rough. Not being able to go out to eat on a date or to relax was hard. But, those are all manageable activities to get through!

The biggest benefit of the entire program was one I had never even considered. For the past 6 months to a year, I have been struggling with daily headaches. I've never had a migraine, but on most days, I would wake up with a headache and go to bed with one. On really bad days, I would probably take 15-20 Advil. I have not had a single headache in 14 days. THAT'S HUGE!!! Had I known this could have been an outcome, I would have done this program 6 months ago in a heartbeat! My plan is to introduce foods back into my diet very very slowly, to try and understand the triggers. I maintained my mileage with running while doing UR (85 miles total in 21 days), so I don't have to worry about slowly introducing exercise back.

Some other physical benefits that I realized are:
*8.8 pounds of weight loss
*Sleeping better than I ever have
*Increase energy in the afternoon/evening
*Overall well being - it's hard to put this one into words, I just feel healthier and stronger than I ever have

Would I recommend the Ultimate Reset?! What do you think??!! If you have any questions about the program or would like more information, send me an email or comment below!

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